Saturday, July 31, 2010

33 week photos!

Late again. I know.

We had some awesome surprise guests - Job and Brandi - this past week, so the photos got pushed by the wayside while we showed them around the city. They are our dear friends from Parker. We were lucky enough to have them trek all the way to Jamaica for our wedding last year and thankfully, they decided a roadtrip to San Diego would also be a good idea! It was a great time and we were so happy to be able to see them. Sadly, the weather has been pretty crazy here this summer and so the sun just doesn't seem to shine at all along the coast. Makes for a gloomy beach day, but they were good sports about it all. Thankfully, we live inland enough that it was warm and pretty when we stayed close to home ;-)

So, here's the pictures for this week:

I really did grow quite a bit, I think. I guess that means Spork did too. This kid is active. And doesn't seem to like to be curled up. The little him/her seems to like to stretch out and has been using my ribs as a footrest. All the time. I'm not complaining. It's pretty cool to dig a foot out from under my ribs, though it does get pretty tender after awhile.

And that stretched out, off-color thing in the center of my belly? That's what's left of my belly button. It's taken on quite a different appearance over the past several weeks now. Very flat and a bit darker than the rest of my belly. Not cute.

I'll take this time to put out a little Public Service Announcement. I've recently discovered the greatest ice cream known to man. It's Starbucks Caramel Macchiato ice cream and it is heaven. Frozen heaven. It was on a killer sale at Von's last week so I thought I'd give it a shot. And I'm so glad I did. If you like ice cream, especially super awesome coffee ice cream with the most delicious caramel swirls, you need to move your ass to the store and try it immediately. This concludes your PSA.

You're welcome.

Friday, July 23, 2010

32/35 week photos

I'm super late putting these up. I've been lazy.
So, here they are. This week, I measured right on track for 32 weeks. Once again, I'll put it out there that the kid is now expected in the middle of September (got it, Mom?) That's as exact as it's getting ;-)

And, yes. We were running out of time to take pics for the week, so it got done right before bed on Tuesday. That explains the t-shirt (that's clearly struggling to remain intact) and ugly ponytail. I had no desire to make myself presentable, so you're going to have to suffer through it.

Kid's getting pretty big, huh? The little him/her has been insane lately. Seriously. The moving around, tossing/turning, hiccups, squirming to get cozy...I'm hoping it's going to get it all out now and just be calm and quiet once it's an outside baby. That's how it works, right ;-)

We had an awesome time with Jenna and her brand new fiance, Travis, this past weekend. It was a tad hot at our place, but thankfully they are outdoor-friendly people and we were able to keep cool by being out and about. Brodie got to show off his skills at the dog beach, we checked out the last bit of the Pride Festival in Hillcrest and Stone Brewery got it's obligatory visit, as did the zoo. All in all, it was a great time.

And the belly got rubbed. A lot. Thanks, Jenna.

Monday, July 12, 2010

31/34 week photos

Here's the photos for this week:

I think we've decided to go ahead and assume the later due date of Sept 15th, making these the 31 week photos. I have been measuring closer to that date at my appointments (late last week I measured 30.5 weeks, so we're still a little ahead for that date). Mentally, I think I need to believe I'm not due until later than August because I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this whole kid thing. I mean, me. Having a kid.

My mind = blown.

Check out how rounded the belly is getting up top. I didn't notice until I'd uploaded these pictures. I think it happened over the past couple of days. You can really tell in the head-on, bare belly shot. Oh, and you can also see the magnificence that is the linea nigra. Holy geez. It's striking on that ghostly-white belly ;-)
I caved and finally bought a pair of maternity jeans. I'd been putting it off but finally decided to find myself a Gap Maternity. Oh. Ma. Goodness. Why did I wait so long? Okay, I know why...because I thought it was robbery to charge a person more $$ for a pair of pants that she'll wear for just a few months than for the jeans she has been faithfully wearing for years prior. But I digress. These things are magical. Who knew an elastic waistband could make you feel so good?! And thankfully, they don't look like granny pants, which is what you'd normally think of when you think of elastic waistbands, right? Me too.

I also scored 2 cute tops and a wrap dress that were all on clearance. Oh, clearance. My most favorite word. That, plus Gap is giving card holders an extra 15-30% off. I love a bargain. Overall, it was a good day.
My super-duper cucumber plants have just about all flowered! I'm so psyched to have cucumbers growing soon. The plants themselves are getting on ginormous. My tomato plants on the other hand, are still looking like they want to give up on life. Tomato production has stayed steady and everything tastes great...but the big bushy plants I once had have all but given way to the blight. Next year I'll be sure to procure some good seedlings from a nice hippy at the OB Farmer's Market. They know what they're doing.
We've got more guests/tourists coming this weekend. Next up is Jenna and her brand-new fiance, Travis. I'm super excited. And not just because of the possibility of wedding dress shopping, though, I've been wanting to torture her the way she did me ;-)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jealous monster

Jordan gets to indulge in 2 of my most favorite things ever tonight. EVER. Those things are champagne and cupcakes. I'm feeling a tad jealous right now just thinking about it. Possibly the best idea for a business group mixer and it has to take place while I'm pregnant...otherwise, I'd open AND close the place down. God, I miss champagne. This better be a quarterly thing. Maybe he can suggest that tonight :-)

Oh, and the champagne is free. Free champagne.

I know. The kid is worth all the abstaining from alcohol. I know. It's just the thought of all those tiny bubbles makes me so happy...and jealous. Also makes me think bad things, like, maybe the kid would like some in-utero bubbly? But no. Clearly that's not happening. But I'm imagining it, damn it.

Also, please send the sunshine back to San Diego. I hear it's been insanely hot on the east coast this past week. Our highs are in the high 60's and the sun is barely making an appearance. You guys stole it. It's time to share.

Edited to Add:
Holy crap. Stuff almost fell off the shelves in the kitchen. Definitely less rolling, more jarring/car accident-like...and surprising that it felt so big. A 5.4 earthquake centered just north of Borrego Springs. Getting much closer to central San Diego...I may have water-front property even sooner than anticipated ;-)

Monday, July 5, 2010

It's Picture Time!

I think I say this every week, but damn - I'm huge. This week's photos were taken after dinner, so there's a little bit extra there (I'm feeling really stretched and big right now!)...but I'm thinking it's not making that big of a difference. I still haven't given up on my regular clothes (aside from 1 pair of maternity shorts), but it's happening soon. I can't keep squeezing my ass into these for too much longer. It's not fair to the seams. Plus, I'd like to be able to wear them all again once this is an outside baby. Which, by the way, is happening SOON.

This past weekend marked our date-iversary of 8 years. In those 8 years, we've lived in Florida, Texas, and California, become doctors, gotten married, and begun the process of becoming parents. Holy crap. I think I need a nap.

This past weekend also marked either 30 or 33 weeks that I've been housing this kid in my uterus. We are officially in the home-stretch now, folks. I can hardly believe how fast these past few months have gone. I hear it slows down the closer you get to the end...but since I don't really know exactly when that end will be...well, who knows?! I just can't get over how close we are to having a baby. Somebody hold me ;-)

Here's the photos.

I'm currently in love with these. How freakin cute is that? I think we'll be getting about 2 wool soakers per size. They don't have to be washed nearly as often as PUL covers and they're completely breathable (I think I've mentioned all this before, no?). Plus, they are just precious.

Friday, July 2, 2010

More Craigslist scores and a new trick!

It's been awhile since I've brought up diapers. Mostly because after spending 2+ days prepping my GMD Indian Prefolds (boil, boil, wash, wash, dry, etc), I needed a break from diapers. Oh, I've still been checking Craigslist, DiaperSwapper, Spot's Corner and our local diaper groups for good deals on the things I still need. Nothing has really stood out until yesterday morning. I found the last of what I need-need in newborn size. Kissaluvs. The highly-recommended newborn-poo-containing diapers. The woman wanted $5 a diaper and that is awesome. I took 12. They are the most used looking of all the things that I've bought so far, but I suspect that the previous owner simply didn't take the extra time to care for them like they needed. Snaps and elastic are all perfect - just some staining and a serious need to be stripped of all the detergent and crap she used. They were a tad (okay, a lot) on the crunchy side...and they are normally super-duper soft dipes. All that said, I'm currently sunning out the stains after 2 major wash cycles. Thank you Charlie's Soap and plain old vinegar! I think you've brought these babies back to life ;-) I'll probably do one good strip-then-sun on them before placing them next to their beautifully-cared-for-by-conscientious-previous-owners neighbors, aka, my newborn stash.

I also managed to score 7 size Small PUL covers. I'm pretty sure there's 3 Bummi's Super Whisper Wraps, 4 Imse Vimses. The prints on the Bummi's are just so freakin cute, I might post some pics later. This completes my PUL cover stash for newborn and small sizes. Jordan couldn't be happier because he's a bit tired of this whole diaper-buying thing.

Update on the staining -- one full day of sunning them on the clothesline and POOF! They look perfect! I thought it would take at least another day, but apparently the San Diego sunshine is magical!

Spork's new trick for this week...(drumroll, please...) Kicking me in the ribs! I was kind of thinking that with this freakishly long torso that I'm told I have, I wouldn't experience this. It's not so bad except when I'm in the car and can't stand up to move the little him/her around. Sometimes it feels like Spork is tickling the inside of my ribs. It's crazy and makes me laugh everytime. Jordan thinks I've completely lost my mind.