I also was pretty thrilled to make this. And then I was pretty thrilled to eat it. I made this caramel sauce to drizzle on top and served it up with some vanilla ice cream. Soooo good. Not too sweet or over-chocolatey. And bonus - the extra caramel sauce is delicious in place of sugar in your coffee. YUM. Do it. Do it now.
Aaaand here's the photos for this week. Baby news for this week includes me finally hearing Spork's heartbeat (!!!), I measured at 26 weeks this week, and the Braxton Hicks contractions are happening everyday now. They started at least a few weeks ago but I wasn't positive that's what they were until I talked to the midwife. Pretty much I just become aware that I actually have a uterus and it firms up to a tight ball in my belly. Kind of neat. The kid seems to think it's a game because the rolling somersaults and elbow jabs usually accompany them ;-)
I know what you're thinking. And yes, the belly is giant. I did give in this week and bought a couple
Keep your fingers crossed I don't start packing on the ass-fat too heavy now that I've put all this out there. I'm expecting some, just not Shamu-style.