Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Because I can't sleep

I didn't take pics this weekend. I think it's because I missed the photo from 2 weeks ago. I couldn't find the right time to get this week's photos taken over the weekend. I will, however, force Jordan to take them when he comes home for lunch tomorrow. I hope ;-) Since I have a due-month rather than a due-date, it really shouldn't matter now, should it? I mean, who really knows when I should be taking these photos?
Tonight was our twelfth and final Bradley class. Holy crap. My overall thoughts: The premise behind Bradley is wonderful. It's husband-coached, relaxation-heavy, no silly Lamaze breathing techniques. It's got a lot of technical stuff too, which is great. Jordan and I had already sat through OB/GYN in school, learned all the terms, the stages of labor and pretty much more about the vagina than we'd ever thought we'd know (it was a rather extensive class, much like everything else at Parker). That, plus all the pediatric chiro seminars I've been to, I felt a little bored during a lot of the Bradley classes. But like I said, for anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to have already learned those things, it was really great. Learning different labor positions, relaxation techniques, etc was super helpful. The knowledge gained from the course is invaluable. Plus, now we know 8 other couples that will have babies within a month and half of us. This could really come in handy with advice, support, etc. So...overall, I'd recommend the classes.
It's possible that this will have a timestamp on it. If so, you'll see that it's after midnight here on the best coast. And I'm still awake. During the first two trimesters, I was lucky if I saw 10:30 most nights. During the 2nd trimester especially, I was an energetic, crazy person. Up by 7 every morning, cleaning like a mad-woman, cooking and baking all the time, constantly walking the dogs, planting shit in the garden....just tons of energy. Now, I feel accomplished if I make the bed by noon and finish a load of laundry by the end of the day. Insomnia has crept in and I can't get out of bed until at least 8:30, if I'm really lucky. Ugh. I started doing some P90X again today, hoping to force myself to have more energy (it worked before!). We'll see if I can keep it up.

Even if it doesn't help with the energy, it's definitely already jump-started my motivation to get back into a good workout routine after the baby is here. I loved doing P90X. Tony Horton is pretty hot. The results were pretty great, too ;-)

This whole not-being-able-to-sleep-at-night-thing is letting me refamiliarize myself with late-late-night television. I really like Craig Ferguson. Apparently, he's the only late-night talkshow host without a script. None for the monologue, which is surprising. He's just funny. I remember being surprised by how natural he was in this role way back when he scored the job, considering he was just an actor with little US television experience. Does this sound like I'm doing a promo commercial for him? Clearly, I need to go to bed.

Also, my Mahjong skills are pretty fierce now that I'm not sleeping at night. Jealous? I know. So are all the 90 year old Asian women from Joy Luck Club. God, that's random.
