But Ezra seemed to enjoy himself. He was awake for most of the walk to the park, so he got to look around at a lot of people. And darkness. By the time we finally made it to the excitement, he was out cold. But rest assured, the kid was toasty-warm in his wrap. I'm telling you...strap that kid on me and BAM! Instant fire-starter type heat.
(Yes, Wee-Man's mouth is purple again.)
The news reporters claimed that there were 325,000 people in attendance at this year's December Nights (over both nights). I can tell you that was probably a good estimate. Wow. The last time we saw anything close to that many people at the park was for the Earth Day fair. Jordan almost body checked a few people, which is to be expected. The guy gets pretty rageful around such large numbers of people. Especially when half of those people are aimlessly meandering through crowds. Oh, and the stroller-wielding people anger him even more. Precisely the reason why the zoo is usually off-limits to him on weekends. He's a bit of a liability - much like Lucy at the dogpark. It's just never a good idea.
Here's me and Ezra in front of some decorations by the kiddie-train. I think he'll be big enough to want to ride it next year ;-)
Shall we try that again with the flash?
If you made it through my ramblings, here's your reward -- extra pics of the boy.
He loves Lamby. I catch him 'talking' to it during diaper changes.
He really loves diaper changes. Well, once the dirty dipe is off, he's as happy as a clam. Really enjoys letting it all air out ;-)
And I finally gave Mini-Man a bath while Jordan was home...so I had some time to snap a few pics of the event. I know it's hard to tell from this picture, but he loves the bath. It's all kicks and giggles. For some reason, he looked at us like we were crazy when the camera came out...