We spent the afternoon walking around downtown, did a little shopping at Horton Plaza (gift cards were burning a hole in my pocket!) and just enjoyed the beautiful SoCal weather. Ez fell asleep in his sling, so we ended up walking much longer than originally planned...happily making our way to the Ghiradelli ice cream shop on Fifth for some coffee. I would've preferred indulging in some ice cream, but the place was packed (tons of tourists), so coffee to-go, it was. Ez woke up while we were there and seemed to really enjoy the people-watching. Plus, he loves it when girls smile at him, which happens a lot. He's a charmer ;-)
I love San Diego.
Remember Monchichis, the cute little monkey cartoon characters from the 80's? I've been calling Ezra 'Monchichi' for awhile now and only recently realized that he actually kind of looks like one. What do you think?