My child turned into a bear. A crazy, not-sleeping, fussy bear. But a cute one. Always so damn cute :)
He refused to sleep, then refused to stay asleep and wanted to be up for some serious playtime all night long. I kept wondering how in the hell I survived being up all day and all night for the first 3 months...because I was about to start getting just as fussy as Ez ;-)
I have no idea what caused him to turn into a little monster child for 2 days. No idea. I was getting nervous that this was going to turn into a full-on, week-long phase...just a couple days before Grandma Lydia comes for a visit. That would've been awesome. Hey! Welcome to California! Meet your grandson...but don't you dare put him down or stop playing for even a second or else he's going to get mad!
He also refused to nap until he was super-crazy tired. That makes for a happy kid.
Thankfully, he fell asleep last night (late, but still before midnight)...and stayed asleep until a very decent, makes-mom-happy-hour. My sweet, almost-always-happy, smiley baby is back. {sigh}
This little hiccup only served to remind me how awesome my kid truly is. He's so easy (true to his name...Easy-E) and sweet and fun.
Here's a picture of Ez from a couple days ago. He got the first chocolate cherry tomato that came ripe...and he loved it.