So, I suck. This was supposed to have been published back on the 15th. Oh well...
Mini-Man has been pulling up on ev-ery-thing. Everything. I can't turn my head for a moment without him pulling himself up on something. Apparently, standing is his new favorite thing to do ;-) He's also been cruising along the couch and his baby-jail gate and has figured out how to safely back himself down the couch. He's so damn smart. I'm still not ruling out a nose-dive off the couch, though. I'm pretty sure that's a rite of passage, right?
Ezra started swim lessons today. He had fun kicking, then paddling...with plenty of splashing in between. Then, it was time to go underwater. While he didn't get any water in his mouth, he did come up pretty pissed and cried for a few seconds afterward :( I think he was just shocked. We'll try again tomorrow. Here's me & Ez at our lesson...
Doors are also a new favorite toy these days. Here's a picture I snapped of Little Man as he was playing with the bedroom door. He's getting SO big.
Mini-Man has been pulling up on ev-ery-thing. Everything. I can't turn my head for a moment without him pulling himself up on something. Apparently, standing is his new favorite thing to do ;-) He's also been cruising along the couch and his baby-jail gate and has figured out how to safely back himself down the couch. He's so damn smart. I'm still not ruling out a nose-dive off the couch, though. I'm pretty sure that's a rite of passage, right?
Ezra started swim lessons today. He had fun kicking, then paddling...with plenty of splashing in between. Then, it was time to go underwater. While he didn't get any water in his mouth, he did come up pretty pissed and cried for a few seconds afterward :( I think he was just shocked. We'll try again tomorrow. Here's me & Ez at our lesson...
Doors are also a new favorite toy these days. Here's a picture I snapped of Little Man as he was playing with the bedroom door. He's getting SO big.