Saturday, November 19, 2011

Better Late Than Never: Oma's Pumpkin Patch!

 Back on October 19th, we headed a little East to Lakeside to visit Oma's Pumpkin Patch.  Ezra got suited up in his brand new shoes (he had been walking with help, so we wanted him to be properly outfitted to walk outside), and ended up having a great time.

They were lacking in the actual pumpkin patch...they had a lot of "pre-picked" pumpkins, but no real patch to speak of.

What they lacked in the patch arena, they made up for in the everything else arena.  There was a petting zoo, complete with sheep, goats, itty-bitty adorable baby goats (kids?), and a little calf!  Also, a lasso-the-fake-steer-area, an arcade-style basketball game, hay-bale maze, cottonseed-hill sledding & a hayride through the working dairy farm.  Plus a fake milk-the-cow set-up and numerous tractors, straw bales & pumpkins set up for photo-ops.  It was pretty awesome.

Here's Jordan & Ez when we first got there.  EZ was pretty distracted by all the fun stuff :)

EZ on the flatbed pickup truck...admiring the pumpkins.

Petting a goat...

He really liked this mama--baby combo.

 He was extra gentle petting the adorable calf.

 Me & my Ezra.

Riding some fake cows!

 He's a cowboy!

Farmer Ezra!

One day, he'll understand that he's supposed to poke his little face through.  Until then, we get these ridiculously cute photos of him kinda doing it ;-)

Farmer Ezra & Jordan the cow!

 Just shootin some hoops with my Dad.

He was a little confused when we told him that this is how you milk a cow...I mean, he hears the word milk, and immediately signs it & tries to get me to feed him.  This blew his mind, people.  Milk.  From something other than Mom?  That's crazy-talk ;)

This one's blurry, but cute, nonetheless.  Ez & Jordan sliding down the cottonseed hill.

A quick family shot on the cottonseed hill.

Jordan trying to lasso a "steer."

Atop a straw bale hill.

He's ready, folks.  Ready to PLAY.

 He had a great time going through the maze & poking out at all the openings :)

Our friends, the Palmer's & the Champagne's arrived just in time for the final hayride of the night.  Here's a picture Mike took of  us (notice how nice his camera is!) as we were waiting to embark on our journey...

Ezra in the cottonseed...

Claire, Ezra & Desmond posing as baby farm animals!

Having some fun in the cottonseed...

Ez LOVED playing in the cottonseed.