I took a recommendation from a friend and finally took Easy to a kid's hair salon. It was called Little Locks, located in the Birdrock neighborhood of La Jolla - and it was adorable!
It's also a toy store, which is genius, so Ez got to play with the train table while waiting for his haircut. He loved the train. There's also a couple bunnies for the kids to check out while they wait, though Easy managed to miss them due to his love of trains ;-)
He was called back a few minutes later. He was SO excited to sit in the car. He played with the steering wheel, giggled, and wouldn't stop smiling. We thought we were in the clear and both looked at each other incredulously.
That is, until the cape went around him. That did it. Reaching out for us, trying to escape the car, fussy-face....So, onto my lap he went, where he was just fine for the whole haircut :)
One last long-haired picture before the cut...
He loves the water.
After running a few errands (and a car nap), we took Easy to the Old Trolley Barn Park to run around and get his crazy out ;-)