Two! Two! Two! Ezra is TWO years old!
It finally happened. In spite of my vain attempts to stop time...or at least slow it Little Man turned 2. He's seriously the coolest kid ever and I'm so lucky to be his mom.
Here's a little of what Easy-E has been up to and in to lately...
-The Cat In The Hat is still the reigning favorite. He loves to read the book, watch the PBS show in the car, and also watch (or occasionally watch, mostly listen to) the live-action movie. He's got a hat like the cat, a whole collection of Cat In The Hat Knows A Lot About That books, and he still isn't satisfied ;-)
-He's doing really, really well with potty training. With a few exceptions/accidents, he's daytime-potty-trained. Nighttime is the next hurdle. He sleeps in our I'm not jumping into a no-diaper situation until I know he can hold it that long.
-He's a world-class jumper! Both the's a spectacular sight to see!
-Speech is on a steady increase since about 1.5 months ago. He's still signing, using his incredibly vast vocabulary on a regular basis.
-Vehicles of any kind can make the boy happy. If it's a police car, ambulance or fire truck...he's ecstatic. Seriously, he's got quite a collection going of stickers given to him by policemen, EMT's, etc, because he's just so enchanted with them and their vehicles that they always engage him and end up giving him a sticker. He's such a lucky boy :)
-The zoo would be a part of his daily activities if he had it his way (and he did for a little while!). His favorite animals to see are the gorillas, elephants, giraffes, and hippos. Also, a trip to the zoo is not complete without at least one ride on the SkyFari.
-Favorite foods/snacks include raw broccoli, mango, avocado, tacos, frozen blueberries, peas, Cheddar Bunnies, and my super-delicious quinoa burgers.
-He LOVES to play with his food & kitchen toys. And my very real appliances that he insists on having on his table. I think I see a play-kitchen in his future.
-An affirmative answer from Ezra sounds like "Ayuh" and a negative is "No, no, nooooo".....and it's never NOT funny when he says either one :)
-He runs around saying, very dramatically, "Oh, no!" at everything.
-He's funny, sweet, snuggly, smart, intuitive, and energetic. He's hands down, the most amazing person I've ever met. And I tell him
Here's some pictures from his special day.
We had a mini-birthday celebration today at the zoo. I made some cupcakes (had to try out the cake and icing recipes before the party!)...and we just moseyed around the zoo, doing whatever Ez wanted to do. He had a great time.
After his nap, it was time for some presents. He opened up a couple small ones in the house...then went outside for his big one :)

I think he had a pretty great day today. Next Saturday is his party...which means I've got to finish up all the last minute details this week!
It finally happened. In spite of my vain attempts to stop time...or at least slow it Little Man turned 2. He's seriously the coolest kid ever and I'm so lucky to be his mom.
Here's a little of what Easy-E has been up to and in to lately...
-The Cat In The Hat is still the reigning favorite. He loves to read the book, watch the PBS show in the car, and also watch (or occasionally watch, mostly listen to) the live-action movie. He's got a hat like the cat, a whole collection of Cat In The Hat Knows A Lot About That books, and he still isn't satisfied ;-)
-He's doing really, really well with potty training. With a few exceptions/accidents, he's daytime-potty-trained. Nighttime is the next hurdle. He sleeps in our I'm not jumping into a no-diaper situation until I know he can hold it that long.
-He's a world-class jumper! Both the's a spectacular sight to see!
-Speech is on a steady increase since about 1.5 months ago. He's still signing, using his incredibly vast vocabulary on a regular basis.
-Vehicles of any kind can make the boy happy. If it's a police car, ambulance or fire truck...he's ecstatic. Seriously, he's got quite a collection going of stickers given to him by policemen, EMT's, etc, because he's just so enchanted with them and their vehicles that they always engage him and end up giving him a sticker. He's such a lucky boy :)
-The zoo would be a part of his daily activities if he had it his way (and he did for a little while!). His favorite animals to see are the gorillas, elephants, giraffes, and hippos. Also, a trip to the zoo is not complete without at least one ride on the SkyFari.
-Favorite foods/snacks include raw broccoli, mango, avocado, tacos, frozen blueberries, peas, Cheddar Bunnies, and my super-delicious quinoa burgers.
-He LOVES to play with his food & kitchen toys. And my very real appliances that he insists on having on his table. I think I see a play-kitchen in his future.
-An affirmative answer from Ezra sounds like "Ayuh" and a negative is "No, no, nooooo".....and it's never NOT funny when he says either one :)
-He runs around saying, very dramatically, "Oh, no!" at everything.
-He's funny, sweet, snuggly, smart, intuitive, and energetic. He's hands down, the most amazing person I've ever met. And I tell him
Here's some pictures from his special day.
We had a mini-birthday celebration today at the zoo. I made some cupcakes (had to try out the cake and icing recipes before the party!)...and we just moseyed around the zoo, doing whatever Ez wanted to do. He had a great time.
After his nap, it was time for some presents. He opened up a couple small ones in the house...then went outside for his big one :)
Here's another one of him driving...he'll get the hang of it eventually. Maybe once he can sit comfortably and still reach the pedal :)
Here he is, talking into the amplified "walkie-talkie"
I think he had a pretty great day today. Next Saturday is his party...which means I've got to finish up all the last minute details this week!