Brodie has always been known for his 'puppy dreams,' where he whimpers, flails, growls, "runs," barks, etc. Now Ezra has started having them as well. Eyelids fluttering open, silent whimpering (just a frowny face), etc. It's very cute. Okay, it's downright adorable. This kid is great.
We have recently learned to successfully nurse lying down. This seems like a small feat. Considering this kid's appetite, it's monumental to be able to stay in bed for a couple nighttime feedings that I don't feel like getting up for. Definitely helps with my sleep and overall mood the next day ;-)
Tonight, Jordan is accompanying a coworker to an event - Women, Wine and....something...I can't remember the third word. It probably started with a "W." This would fall under the category of "Makes Jeannette Jealous," as he will be enjoying wine, likely for free. I mean, who doesn't love some free wine? Mmmm.
But I get to play with the baby. I win.
Here's an adorable picture of Mr. Perfect.