Mom's time in San Diego has come and gone. That week flew by. Actually, every week flies by now that Ezra is here, but I know she'd have been happy to hold him (read: steal him) for a few more days. Ezra certainly dictated when and what we were able to do. He's quite the controlling baby ;-) We did manage to make it to Balboa Park to walk around a bit and check out the rose and cactus gardens, on top of the farmer's market, PB, and harbor adventures. Next time, I'm sure we'll get out more.
At Ezra's latest visit with Vickii, he weighed in at a whopping 7lbs 4.5 oz! Not quite as much as she was hoping for, despite his continued nonstop eating, but it's still good. We're hoping to blow her away with some serious gains this week...and I think he can do it.
And since this is the only thing you care about at this's Ezra. Yes, he's sleeping again. He's a newborn. He sleeps. Oh, and the kid has some crazy hair. This photo only shows a bit of the craziness. It's out of control.