Sunday, April 17, 2011

Boogers and Earth Day Fair!

I'll admit it.

I take immense pleasure in retrieving boogers from Ezra's tiny little nose.  Like, I seriously take it as a personal challenge and revel in the actual removal.  It's such a gratifying moment.  Sometimes I feel a little cheated if he sneezes one out.

Man.  I'm lame.

I've used my fingers, suction bulbs, tweezers (only when he's sleeping & the boogies are right there), and the Nose Frida.  The bulb never worked.  Ever.  Tweezers + sleeping Ez feels like I'm playing that game, Operation.  He used to just have a slight distaste for the Frida.  Now, it's a full-on hatred.  He squirms, rolls, squeals his pissy-squeal.  It's a struggle.  But it is SO worth it.

We went to the Earth Day Fair today in Balboa Park.  The weather was beautiful, parking was surprisingly easy, and the fair was great.  Lots of people.  Lots.  Thankfully, Jordan didn't turn into the Hulk and start body checking people.  I did get flat-tired...while Ez was on my back.  I didn't realize someone could walk that close to me when he's on my back.  Apparently I was wrong.

Here's me and Ez with some flowers and the organ pavilion in the background.

I have no idea what this had to do with Earth Day.  To be honest, I didn't really care enough to walk around to the front of the booth to find out.  It was on the edge of the kid's area...which we determined to be far too full of kids for us to enter ;-)  The way we saw it, we'll be in there next year, and every year after that.  This would likely be the last year that Ez would be too young to enjoy it.

We walked across to the rose gardens - which are amazing this time of year.

Jordan wasn't as quick as Ezra was -- Ez managed to wrangle himself a bit of rose to sample :)

He liked looking at the roses...and not at the camera.

The kid was intrigued.

And finally, here's me and the baby formally known as Spork at last year's Earth Day Fair - 

And this year...
(It was taken in the same spot but from a different angle.  Ez wouldn't take his eyes off the fountains and kids playing in the water - so this was the only way we could get his sweet little face!)