The sun was hiding all morning, so we decided to just head over to the dogpark. On our way there, the clouds parted and out came the sun! Turned out to be a beautiful day.
I'd never been to this dogpark before, but Jordan took Brodie while Ez and I were in MD. I'm a big fan. The lack of a secure, fenced area was a little unnerving at first, but Bro never even looked like he wanted to escape - even with a driving range and a deep canyon to lure him. He was far too interested in violating (re: humping) a friendly black lab. To be fair, the dog didn't seem to mind and was getting it from several other dogs as well ;-)
Ezra was mostly just interested in chewing on his cow book.
After eating a little, Ez fell asleep. We plopped him in his stroller and took a nice, leisurely stroll around Southpark.

Back at home, Ezra pulled out his favorite book for storytime. Okay, so it's really my favorite...but he does enjoy trying to eat the pages.

Cuteness happens when you're hanging out with this kid :)
Gah. I love this kid. SO.MUCH.