Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Hodgepodge

Ezra is on his way to having 4 teeth!  Holy crap, dude.  I thought I saw his two top teeth through a very thin layer of gum a couple days ago...and sure enough, he's got some pointy edges just barely poking through now.  They look sharp.  I'm a tad concerned ;- /

Here's a few pictures that I've taken (and plastered on facebook) over the past few days.  He's too cute not to share :)

Look at that hair!  It's like a baby hairpiece!

Playing with his new tool set.  He loves his "power" drill.

He gets impatient waiting for me to get the dogs ready :)

Check.  Out.  That.  Hair.

Mini-Man tried some zucchini (from Suzie's Farm, of course) this afternoon.  He seemed to enjoy it...then again, he likes to chew on everything.  So, yeah.  He mangled a chunk, then got bored & moved on to his toys.  Either way, here he is:

And here's Lucy, begging me with her crazy demon eyes to give her some, too.

I made this green smoothie last night.  Yes, it's just your run-of-the-mill fruit/veggie mix.  But it's pretty good.  Not sure if I'd attempt it without a really high-powered blender...but I wouldn't really attempt most smoothies without my VitaMix.  So there.  Try it.  Drink your greens and like them :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

8 months!

Mini-Man is 8 months old!  

I know.  I didn't want to believe it either.  I counted, recounted, checked the calendar...and it is, in fact, true.  And I have the bags under my eyes to prove it ;-)

He's growing up SO fast.  I keep doing double-takes when I look at him -- he's turning into such a little boy.  What's new this month, you ask? 

*His babbling seems to come in response to us talking to him now - like we're having a conversation...which is just insane to me.
*His two bottom teeth are about halfway in (or out?) now.  They're perfect.  And SHARP.
*He's ready for another haircut already.
*Taking walks in his stroller or wrapped up on my back make him super happy.
*He gets really excited when I sign milk and he is still signing it when he eats.
*He loves to sit up and splash in the bath.
*Watching the dogs play is a great way to get some serious giggles out of him.
*He loves to be outside with me while I do laundry or water plants.  
*Storytime is getting to be more and more fun.  Every time I turn the page, he lights up with excitement.  
*His smiles could melt ice.  Seriously.  I should keep him away from the polar ice caps.  He may be a direct cause of global warming.

Here's a few pictures to commemorate the special day:

Check out my super-awesome teeth!

And in the interest of full disclosure, his 8-month pictures were taken (gasp!) 1 day late.  He's working through a little growth spurt and managed to sleep approximately 18 hours yesterday, so I didn't get a chance to get him into his special onesie for picture time.  Bad, bad mom.  I know.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Visitors from Vegas

Brandi and Job came down for a few days to enjoy a little of the San Diego awesomeness and to meet Ezra.  Despite the clouds and cool temperatures, we had a great time.

They brought their pup, NaHolly.  She's super-cute and Brodie was just head over heels for her.  They played a lot, which was great for them...and made Ezra very happy as well :)  After years of trying (to no avail) to get Lucy to play with him, Brodie is a pro at playing with little dogs.  Here's one of them playing together:

Then it was naptime.  They really did take naps all snuggled up.  Too cute :)

We all went to the dog beach...but didn't stay too long.  It was insanely windy and a little too cold.  Here's me and Ez right before we headed back to the car & over to the park instead.

After the park, we drove over to Sunset Cliffs -- just in time to see the sun tuck in behind the clouds :(  The wind definitely made for some pretty spectacular waves, though.

Oh, and here's Ez and Brandi playing on the way to the dogpark.  Ezra thought having Sophie on his head was hilarious.

And finally, here's Little Man - all tired out from a hard day of playing and being loved on :)

I'm just now realizing that I took zero pictures of Job while he was here.  Sorry, Job.  Guess you guys will have to come back again.  Too bad ;-)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Friends, Food & Fun!

Saturday was Angela & Jim's final full day here in the land of awesome.  Because Jim had never experienced the magic of Hash House (A-Go-Go)...we headed there for a little late-morning breakfast.  It was delicious, as always.

Jim ordered a BLT Bloody Mary.  Yes, you are indeed gazing at a Bloody Mary served with bacon, lettuce, tomato, toast & mayo.  With a bacon-bit-rimmed glass.  

Ezra likes to chew on things.  Everything.  Including Angela's fingers.

This would be my breakfast.  Yes, it's as big as it looks...which would be bigger than the baby.

After breakfast, we all headed over to Balboa Park for the hurry-up-and-see-as-much-as-you-can-in-1.5-hours tour.
Here's everyone inside the Botanical Room.

Me and Angela.  She needs to move back here.  Immediately.

Angela & Jim in the rose gardens.  He's real tall, y'all.

I told Angela about this very, very special tree & she required a picture with/in it.  Take it all in.  Think about what it looks like.

Aaaannd here she is, being birthed.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Babies in Bars

Okay, not really.  It is a brewery, sure, but it's also a kickass restaurant, too.  We headed up to Stone on Friday with Angela and Jim for a little food and a tour.  And beer...for them (boo).

Here's Ez hanging out tableside while I shoveled delicious food into my mouth at a rate faster than a human should.  

Here's all of us just moments before we took off.  As you can see, Ez was a little tired and was ready to go.

He slept the whole way and it was so nice out, we decided to take him to Sunset Cliffs to watch the sunset (duh).  Here's a bunch from the cliffs.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Let's talk about poop, baby. (And zoo pics!)

I've been taking a break from introducing solids to Ez.  While I felt that he was ready to start tasting some new and exciting things, his little tummy has proven that it was not, in fact, ready.  He went a whole 4 days without pooping.  He's never gone 24 hours without pooping before.  Actually, it was closer to 18 hours, though some crazy days, he'd only go once a day.  Usually twice, though.  Clearly, I was a nervous mess.  He began showing signs of discomfort here and there and was also breaking out in a bit of a rash.  When he finally did, his outward signs began disappearing and now - they're all a thing of the past.

Anyways, his teensy-tiny, perfect little gut told us that it wasn't pleased...and I listened.  He has since returned to a once-a-day schedule, thankfully, though I'd feel much better if he was still a little more mobile in the ways of the colon ;-)  We'll revisit solids again once I'm satisfied his pooper is completely back on track.
Jordan had an early day at the office on Wednesday, so we headed to the zoo to enjoy the sunshine.  Here's Jordan & Ez.

This is as good as we could do with the monkey face mask :)  He's just a tad too little right now.

 Here's the 3 of us on a Galapagos turtle.  All the real ones were busy, well, being turtles.

 Ezra on the half-shell...Turtle Power!  Come on, you remember the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, right?

Jordan took Ezra down the slide.  Here they are at the top...

And here they are at the bottom!  Ez seemed to like it...but I don't know that he really particularly cared either way.

 Jordan & Ezra hanging out in the Children's zoo.

 He was mid-squeal here.  Oh, and mid-hair-pull ;-)

 If you squint...or just enlarge the photo, you can see Jordan & Ezra on the bridge.

 Jordan and Ez near the petting zoo!

 Neither Jordan, nor Ezra.  Just a pretty coral tree against an equally pretty blue sky.  Yay, San Diego!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Advanced Mathematics and Possibly Inappropriate Wording on Onesies

I've been MIA for a few days here.

Honestly, I haven't done much that entailed taking pictures...which makes up 95% of this blog.  You see my dilemma.

I have snapped a few pictures of the boy, just because.  Here's one from yesterday.  He was looking exceptionally cute so we had a little mini-shoot.

And here he is, apparently explaining quantum physics to me as though it's simple addition.  That, he's got some personality ;-)

This would be him laughing at me making monkey sounds...because, afterall, he is playing with a monkey and so monkey sounds are expected.

Here's one from today.  He was wearing his Stone Brewery onesie.  Do not be alarmed.  Arrogant Bastard is the name of one of their beers...and it happens to be a favorite of Jordan's.  In the oaked variety, to be exact.  Anyways, Mini-Man was sporting his loot from the brewery's gift shop (thoughtfully given to him by my Dad) and I couldn't pass up the photo opportunity.

I'd also like to provide you all with a little homework.  Back in January, we attended/were a part of the wedding of some very good friends - Jenna & Travis.  Jenna, the former Miss New Mexico, happens to be good friends with the current Miss New Mexico - Brittany Toll.  She's a perfectly sweet, smart, funny person who happens to be insanely beautiful and therefore, is a beauty queen.  I tell you all of that to tell you this -- online voting can help Brittany get closer to the Miss USA crown.  Below is a link where you can vote.  And you should.  10 times per day, per email address.  I can assure you, if you uncheck the boxes that mention getting solicited via email, you will receive ZERO emails from this.  So go for Brittany :)

VOTE for Brittany!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Old McEzra Had a Garden...E I E I O

I planted my tomatoes a few days ago and my excitement builds EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Back when we went to the Earth Fair, we picked up some pretty cool seedlings.  We got Chocolate Cherry Tomatoes, Big Beef Tomatoes and Black Russian Tomatoes.  Go ahead, click on those links and check out what we're going to be enjoying this summer.  I'm freakin' stoked.

I'm thinking of growing some peppers this summer also.  I know, it's late to be starting.  But I've got an empty barrel that's just screaming to have something growing in it...and for Brodie to not lay in it.  He's a weird dog.

I forgot to mention awhile back (maybe 2-3 weeks?) but Mini-Man has been pulling up!  It's more climbing, but the end result is still the same.  He's preferred standing (with help, of course) since he was a few months this would seem like a natural progression.  Still not crawling, but he's certainly moving through the typical patterns toward crawling.  Soon enough, he'll be getting frustrated with his spinning and rolling to get to where he wants to go...and get up on those knees & get to crawling :)  For now, I'm content with knowing that I can walk out of the room for a moment and he'll be somewhere in the vicinity of where I left him when I return.  Oh, and I'm also happy to not have baby gates everywhere yet.  That's a plus.

And because you read (or didn't read) all of that... here's a cute picture of the boy.

And, the answer is yes.  Yes, he likes it when I match his diapers to his clothing.  

Okay, I lied.  I'm not sure that he actually likes it.  He smiles a lot, so it's hard to say what exactly is making him so damn happy ;-)

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Morning of Shopping (without mental breakdowns!)

Jordan didn't have to be in the office until the afternoon, so we got to go run a few errands this morning.

You know what's awesome?  Walking out of a fitting room after trying on jeans with a SMILE.  First pair was too long, second pair fit like a glove...or like a pair of jeans that fits really well with no exceptions ;-)  It's been awhile since that's happened - so I'm obviously pleased.  Gap Perfect Boot Cut...I adore you.  The clothing shopping portion of our trip took all of about 10 minutes.  AWEsome.  Oh, and they're handing out coupons...and ours was for 40% off.  Double awesome.

Ikea took a little longer, but that was by choice.  We needed some sort of hat/hoodie rack for Ez and a basket for his ever-growing mound of toys.  We ended up getting both of those some new toys for the boy.  I love them, so I wanted to share them with you.

Now we can play picnic!!  Ezra can learn his vegetables & fruits!  We can practice signing the names!  I'm far too excited about this, I know.  I just love food toys for some reason.

I also love wooden toys.  Here's his new hammer-down the pegs toy.

He's too little to play with it by himself, but it's fun for me and he'll learn :)

And here's his new shape-sorter.  So far, he's only tried eating the shapes...but he'll get there.

Who knew Ikea had such cute (albeit simple) toys?  Oh, and since it's Ikea...they were super-inexpensive.  Double yay!  Those Swedes...they're so great.

Here's Ez, digging into his toys, searching for the right one...
