Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Hodgepodge

Ezra is on his way to having 4 teeth!  Holy crap, dude.  I thought I saw his two top teeth through a very thin layer of gum a couple days ago...and sure enough, he's got some pointy edges just barely poking through now.  They look sharp.  I'm a tad concerned ;- /

Here's a few pictures that I've taken (and plastered on facebook) over the past few days.  He's too cute not to share :)

Look at that hair!  It's like a baby hairpiece!

Playing with his new tool set.  He loves his "power" drill.

He gets impatient waiting for me to get the dogs ready :)

Check.  Out.  That.  Hair.

Mini-Man tried some zucchini (from Suzie's Farm, of course) this afternoon.  He seemed to enjoy it...then again, he likes to chew on everything.  So, yeah.  He mangled a chunk, then got bored & moved on to his toys.  Either way, here he is:

And here's Lucy, begging me with her crazy demon eyes to give her some, too.

I made this green smoothie last night.  Yes, it's just your run-of-the-mill fruit/veggie mix.  But it's pretty good.  Not sure if I'd attempt it without a really high-powered blender...but I wouldn't really attempt most smoothies without my VitaMix.  So there.  Try it.  Drink your greens and like them :)