Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Advanced Mathematics and Possibly Inappropriate Wording on Onesies

I've been MIA for a few days here.

Honestly, I haven't done much that entailed taking pictures...which makes up 95% of this blog.  You see my dilemma.

I have snapped a few pictures of the boy, just because.  Here's one from yesterday.  He was looking exceptionally cute so we had a little mini-shoot.

And here he is, apparently explaining quantum physics to me as though it's simple addition.  That kid...man, he's got some personality ;-)

This would be him laughing at me making monkey sounds...because, afterall, he is playing with a monkey and so monkey sounds are expected.

Here's one from today.  He was wearing his Stone Brewery onesie.  Do not be alarmed.  Arrogant Bastard is the name of one of their beers...and it happens to be a favorite of Jordan's.  In the oaked variety, to be exact.  Anyways, Mini-Man was sporting his loot from the brewery's gift shop (thoughtfully given to him by my Dad) and I couldn't pass up the photo opportunity.

I'd also like to provide you all with a little homework.  Back in January, we attended/were a part of the wedding of some very good friends - Jenna & Travis.  Jenna, the former Miss New Mexico, happens to be good friends with the current Miss New Mexico - Brittany Toll.  She's a perfectly sweet, smart, funny person who happens to be insanely beautiful and therefore, is a beauty queen.  I tell you all of that to tell you this -- online voting can help Brittany get closer to the Miss USA crown.  Below is a link where you can vote.  And you should.  10 times per day, per email address.  I can assure you, if you uncheck the boxes that mention getting solicited via email, you will receive ZERO emails from this.  So go ahead...vote for Brittany :)

VOTE for Brittany!